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- From now XM-export option is for free. There is only one version of
- program (with export XM). The price is 50 DM.
- It's very strange that we are getting hundrets letters with suggestions
- but unfortunately for us we have not NEW registered users. We are very
- annoying because everybody are using cracked versions.
- Lastly improoving DigiBooster isn't profitable :-(
- We do it only for our pleasant. Unfortunatly one day we will stop
- developing this program when this situation will go on !!!
- So Amiga users don't let us to stop continuing our work and please
- register our program because VERSION 2.19 may be the last version
- EVER !!!
- Do rodaków !!!
- Po ostatnim party na którym byliômy "Intel Outside 5" jesteômy
- przekonani, ûe scena zabija Amigë. Tylko trzy osoby kupiîy nasz
- program mimo to, ûe cena dla Polaków jest trzykrotnie niûsza.
- Przekonaliômy sië, ûe wîaôciwie kaûdy scenowiec ma nielegalnâ wersjë
- DigiBoosteraPro i to w dodatku zarejestrowanâ na najwiëkszego dupka w
- Polsce:
- SuperFML/Appendix
- Na koniec chcielibyômy dodaê, ûe mamy trzy razy wiëcej legalnych
- uûytkowników z poza Polski - to o czymô ôwiadczy !!!
- Tap&Walt - digi2@friko4.onet.pl